Below Are Webcams Of Ancient Trees!
What if we used webcams to watch wind and rain patterns, shade and sun patterns, noticing which trees grow fast, which grow slow or where the best growing conditions are for each species? The growth of a forest happens over a very long period of time and what if webcams watched it as it happened?
Imagine the kind of software that’d be needed to sort out all that webcam data continuously for decades or even centuries into the future? Makes sense to me that whoever succeeds at this will revolutionize the profession of forestry.
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park.(Save the Redwoods League presents this live streaming video in partnership with direct from the northern reaches of the coast redwood range.)
Most of all we need to focus on restoring and protecting the entire eco-system rather than just focusing on “growing trees.” Mono-culture crops are inherently lesser value than a broad diversity of crops!
Broadening the diversity of land use in a way that protects and restores ecological functioning is not easy but it can be done. Live webcams, camera traps, satellite feeds and grassroots mapping data all hosted online where it can freely be accessible and commented on by the public… That’s a lifetime of all my dreams rolled into one.