001 – Best New Soundcloud Tracks

Russell Bell – He’s written for TV and currently is working to get a foot hold in the Movie trailer market…
Mark Goodwin – There are very few poetry readers on Soundcloud. If you find any I don’t know about please let me know. Mark found me as soon as I got started with my Armed With Visions paid Soundcloud account. I’m even part of a couple of his Soundcloud poetry groups.
Dylan Ratigan – He just created the first edition of “Greedy Bastards” a podcast about what the Occupy movement has inspired. In solidarity with Dylan I hop my first edition and his first edition becomes something lasting and great.
Smalltown America – They just uploaded 5 new tracks that have a nice thrash garage band sound to them. They aren’t from America though the are an “independent record label based in Derry, Northern Ireland and London, England.” Some really nice lo-fi tracks to rock out to!
Kommunikation Records – Though I’m not a big fan of techno, these uploaders have some really unique sounds. And with 11,287 followers I’m not the only one who like them. Really nice sound concepts they’re developing… The saxophone on the enclosed track helps soothe the savage robot beats!

Have a Great Day!

Hope your ears feel better now!

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